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Lone Worker Monitoring Service

Lone worker monitoring

Lone worker monitoring refers to the practice of monitoring the safety of employees who work alone or out of sight and sound of colleagues.

There are a number of systems that can be used to monitor work alone employees, many of which will use a method of check-in, and in some cases, location tracking and emergency alerts.

Buddy systems

The buddy system is perhaps the most traditional method of lone worker monitoring systems. Employees are paired to another colleague and are expected to check-in with their buddy throughout the day, update them on any calendar changes, or contact them when in need of assistance.

However, this method is becoming much less common as it has often been found by organisations to be unreliable and time-consuming.

Text or call check-in systems

Text or call check-ins are similar to the buddy system. In this scenario, the lone worker is expected to call or text their supervisor at set intervals to let them know that they are safe. Check-ins are usually performed hourly or bi-hourly, depending on the level of risk to the lone worker.

Again, this method can be unreliable and time consuming. Read our blog on the typical challenges of check calls.

Lone worker apps and devices

There are now a range of lone worker monitoring apps and devices available on the market, which provide a reliable and efficient security solution to lone worker monitoring.

StaySafe’s lone worker monitoring service

Lone worker app

StaySafe offer an app which monitors lone and remote worker safety in real time, and allows them to send a number of alerts when in need of assistance.

Timed sessions and a check-in button allows the lone worker to confirm their safety quickly and easily, while a number of alerts including panic, provide a quick and reliable way to alert someone in an emergency.

Timed sessions also trigger accurate location tracking, allowing a monitor to locate the lone worker immediately and send help direct to their location.

Monitoring Hub

StaySafe’s monitoring Hub provides a map view of all lone workers who have started a session in the app or triggered an alert. If an alert is triggered, the user’s icon will change appropriately and the monitor will be notified.

Clicking on the lone worker will bring up basic user details, any notes they have left on the app and their current safety status.

StaySafe’s lone worker monitoring service has won a range of awards such as Canadian Occupational Safety’s Readers’ Choice Awards and the Surrey Digital Award 2016. Find out more about StaySafe’s lone worker app and monitoring solutions here.

Is employee monitoring a legal requirement?

Lone worker monitoring is a legal requirement in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Canada. Legislation across these countries make specific reference to lone worker monitoring, check-ins, communication systems and the ability to send emergency help.

While legislation may be less specific in other parts of the world, all businesses have a legal requirement to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees. Regulatory bodies such as the HSE in the UK, advise businesses to monitor their lone workers and even suggest the use of lone worker devices and apps.

Therefore, monitoring, regardless of which system is put in place, should be seen as the starting point of any lone worker policy.

Find out what the legislation says about lone worker monitoring in your country.